Cooking With Heat goes to TwitchCon 2017!

TwitchCon starts (for us) on Thursday, October 19th at 7-ish PST when we kick off our crazy weekend with an impromptu Cooking With Heat episode from a Random AirBNB™ in Long Beach, California.
Joining us for this wild and crazy remote cooking stream are Twitch goddess ChelseaDaggerHD and Nicest Guy Ever award winner SapphireSnowfall. We'll be bumbling our way (drunkly) through tacos and other various Left Coast cuisines, made in the cookware of a complete stranger! Seriously we have no idea how this show will come together XD
TwitchCon will be popping off the whole weekend! For the schedule of events, and accessible livestreams, check out and keep an eye out for the #cwh and #cookingwithheat hashtags on social media!