7 Days to Die Ribs

Oh, a pig! Let me just get my wooden club out so I don't waste ammo on dinner- My toolbar is so cluttered... Wait, where did the pig go? He just ran straight over this hill but now he's vanished? I thought he just ran straight and... Oh wait a zombie, let me switch back to the bow and arrow. Zombie down, time to loot aaaaand great, another Sham Sandwich. Why am I on this hill again? Right! I saw a pig... Oh wait there's a pig! Is that the same pig or a different one? Better not take any chances this time, I'll just arrow him down from here- Oh is that a duffel bag? Yo, this bag had a pistol and a schematic in it, sweet. Crap I need to make a new axe, this one's broken... Ugh, of course I'm out of wood, time to find a tree and give it the old Minecraft punch so I can make a new stone axe.. There, all good. Now, where did my pig go? I think this is the same pig... Damnit it's Run O'Clock already!
7 Days to Die Ribs
These particular ribs started 24 hours prior to the cooking show, where they sat in a hot water bath, tightly wrapped in plastic. We HIGHLY recommend a sous vide cooker for all of your meaty endeavors.
Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker
The Precision Cooker heats and circulates the water to a precise temperature, cooking food to an exact temperature which creates maximum tenderness and moisture retention (without worry of overcooking)
All Ribs Need Rubs
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup paprika
1/4 cup smoked paprika
2 tablespoon/15 mL black pepper
1/4 cup kosher salt
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon granulated garlic
1 tablespoon ground mustard seed
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 teaspoon-tablespoon cayenne (depending on spice tolerance)
1 tablespoon red chili pepper flakes
Mix it all together into a powdery, granulated, spicy mess
FoodSaver V4440 2-in-1 Automatic Vacuum Sealing System
The FoodSaver 4440 combines both a handheld and a standard vacuum sealer. This 2-in-1 FoodSaver appliance is vacuum sealing versatility at its best. Automatic bag detection and vacuum sealing means two quick and easy steps to seal and save.
The Prep:
Of course, you can jam your ribs into a ziplock bag and suck the air out with a straw, but this opens up a whole host of potential problems, like air gaps and wasted straws. We recommend getting a FoodSaver and vacuum sealing these bad boys in a plastic prison.
Get 2 racks of your favorite pork ribs and some Colgin liquid smoke
Remove membrane from back of rib racks.
Pat dry and cover with rib rub on both sides and shake off excess. Whatever sticks is the perfect amount.
Cut ribs into 3-4 bone portions. Place individual rib portions into vacuum seal bags along with 4 drops of liquid smoke.
Vacuum seal bags and store in fridge for 2-4 hours.
Cook sous vide at 154º F for 24 hours. That's right. twenty-four hours. Make sure to cover the pot so that water does not evaporate too rapidly. When 24 hours has passed, place the bags into ice water to stop cooking.
Make a Sauce!
27 oz tomato paste
1 yellow onion
5 cloves garlic
2 cups cider vinegar
3/4 cup molasses
1/2 cup worcester sauce
1/2 cup yellow mustard
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup chili powder
2 Tbsp ground mustard seed
2 Tbsp fresh oregano
2 Tbsp paprika
1 tsp liquid smoke
1 tsp cumin
enough water to cook down and still be at desired consistency
cayenne, salt, black pepper to taste
Dice onion, mince garlic, and add both to a large pan on High heat to begin caramelization. Once browning begins, add 1/4 cup water and a few drops of the worcester sauce to prevent the onions from getting crunchy (crunchy things don't puree as nicely). Continue cooking for 3-5 minutes on medium.
When onions and garlic are cooked through, add them to a blender with all other ingredients and puree until smooth, adding water to facilitate food movement inside blender
In the same pan the onions and garlic cooked in, spoon the sauce from the blender and cook on low to medium heat until your favorite saucy consistency is reached. We went with extra-thick so our cook on this sauce was 1+ hour.
Grillin' Time
Sprinkle any remaining rub onto the ribs.
Preheat grill for medium indirect heat.
Place ribs meat side up over the cooler part of the grill and cook until dry on top (about 15 minutes).
Add a layer of sauce to the top of the ribs and transfer to the hot side of the grill. Cook for 7 minutes.
Add another layer of sauce and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add another layer of sauce to the ribs and serve to your starving co-op pals