7 Ways to Potato: Pear Juice Cocktail in Potato Shotglasses

The world's most starchy shotglass
7 Days to Die has no shortage of alcohol, with the ability to make your own beer only a quick read of Tasting and Brewing away. But the game is distinctly lacking in other foodstuffs. Like vegetables. Any vegetables. Corn and potatoes don't count.
But in this case, potatoes will have to do. This week, we tucked into the lore of the game and found a perfectly canon way to make a tasty cocktail, without even using a Glass Jar!
Pear Juice Cocktail in Potato Shotglasses
Making a convenient cup out of a potato is pretty far into the 'college frat house' vibe, but it's a surprisingly legal way to enjoy a small cocktail or a shot. You'll want one of these peelers in order to carve out your potato.
Start by cutting off the ends of your raw, room temperature, washed, perfect from nature potato, about 1/2 an inch from the end, creating a flat surface for your 'tatocup to sit on and a rim edge for the glass.
From there, pick a side and start hollowing! You'll want to leave plenty of space around the edge of the hole to prevent leaks, and make sure you don't go too deep and cut through the bottom.
Once you're finished hollowing, stick your 'tatocup in the freezer for half an hour before filling with tasty beverages.
Victorinox 2-1/4-Inch Double Edge Peeler
The Actual Drink
1 part pear juice
1 part vodka
1 part water (or some variety of fizzy water)
Combine pear juice and vodka in a shaker with ice. Mix thoroughly
Pour into 'Tatocup
Add water (or some variety of fizzy water)